早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Suppose you are interested in learning English at a language school in Australia and you have searched the Internet and found that the English Teaching Center in the University of Sydney offers your favorite courses. Write an enquiry letter to the Center for further information and the necessary forms.
Suppose you are interested in learning English at a language school in Australia and you have searched the Internet and found that the English Teaching Center in the University of Sydney offers your favorite courses. Write an enquiry letter to the Center for further information and the necessary forms.
Dear sirs,
I have learnde from the internet that your school's English Teaching Center of Sydney offers my favorite courses,I write to apply to attend your English Teaching courses,could you give me more information of your English courses?
Look forward to your reply.
Yours Faithfully,
I have learnde from the internet that your school's English Teaching Center of Sydney offers my favorite courses,I write to apply to attend your English Teaching courses,could you give me more information of your English courses?
Look forward to your reply.
Yours Faithfully,
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