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阅读理解 ,根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)
     Zhou Yan a Junior 3 student in Sichuan Province wishes she never got a mobile phone.  Last week
she went to see a doctor because her arms and fingers were hurting and she could not see very well.
The doctor told her that she had "mobile phone disease". A growing number of teens are getting mobile
phone disease because more are buying mobile phones.
      Zhou only got her mobile phone two months ago. Her Mum bought it for her to use if she ever got
into trouble. But Zhou used it to send messages to her friends. She sent messages to them all the time
even after going to bed!
       Zhou started to do badly in exams because she was spending so much time playing with her mobile
phone  Her Mum got very angry with her. But one day Zhou's arms started to hurt. And that is why she
went to see the doctor.
      Yang Ling of the Northwest Teachers University says that if someone uses their mobile phone too
much like Zhou they might get mobile phone disease.
       "Teens should try to use their mobile phones less"  says Yang Ling  "especially at school. They
should try to have fun in other ways such as by reading and doing sports. If teens find their arms and
fingers hurt" she says “they should go to see a doctor as soon as possible. So  if you've just bought a
mobile phone watch out!"
1. Zhou Yan is a middle school student in Sichuan.
2. She went to see a doctor because her arms and feet were hurting.
3. Zhou Yan mainly used her mobile phone to send messages to her friends.
4. When using a mobile phone we should be careful.
5. Advice on using mobile phones may be the best title of the passage.
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