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根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。请将答案写在答题卷上。 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
Thinking is great. But action makes things happen. One of the biggest differences with people who achieve their goals is that they consistently take action. Action takes energy though, so where does that energy come from? It comes from within. Inspiration is a powerful force. ________小题1:_________.  Here are several ways to light the fire and inspire you to take action:
Be decisive. _______小题2:_______. Take action and test your results. The act of making a decision and taking action will light the fire of passion. Start taking action, test your path, and learn and adapt along the way, rather than trying to figure everything out up front.
_______小题3:_________ Maybe you want to get in great shape, but are you acting like you mean it? How many hours are you putting in each week? What routines are you trying? What action are you taking? If you do as planned, you’ll make better choices, and show more confidence.
________小题4:________. Find some role models and heroes to use to lift your spirits. Just having some examples under your belt can inspire you to new levels. Chances are, no matter what problem or challenge you’re up against, somebody’s been there and done that. If not exactly, then at least you can draw from similar experiences.
Play the favorite scenes in your mind. We all have favorite scenes from movies over the years. It’s those scenes of success, or courage that inspires us. Have these at your mental fingertips and draw from them. Continue to fill and expand your collection by paying attention to the scenes that move you. You can also draw from scenes in real life. ________小题5:_________. Think of them as flash cards to come out when you need it most. Simply see the scene in your mind, remember the feeling, and use that to fire you up.


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