早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1,Economists assume that people customarily engage in rational behaviour,meaning that each one of us makes choices by logically weighing the personal benefits and costs of every available action,then selects the most attractive option based on our individual wants.
2,For societies as a whole ,it is the basic items used in all types pf [rpduction,known as economic resources,that are scarce.
3,Similarly ,the bonds issued by a company,such as Bell canada ,are viewed as financial capital by their holders,but not as real capital by economists.
4,the ceteris paribus assumption ,as well as any other assumption that are made,should be outlined exp;icitly in an economic model.
5,though this process is rarely straightforward,it is often easier to make generalizition about the behabiour og large groups tahan it is to predict what a certain individual will do on a particular occasion
6,Instead of measuring cost in terms of money,economists use a concept that accounts for the tradeoffs resulting from any economic choice :opportunity cost.
7,the opportunity cost of any action is the utility that could have been gained by choosing the best possible alternative.
