早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
In general,a contract coordinates the retailer’s and the supplier’s action whenever each
firm’s profit is an affine function of the supply chain’s profit.In effect the firms end up with
something that resembles a profit sharing arrangement.Jeuland and Shugan (1983) note
profit sharing can coordinate a supply chain,but they do not offer a specific contract for
achieving profit sharing.Caldentey and Wein (1999) show profit sharing occurs when each
firm receives a fixed fraction of every other firm’s utility.With that approach each firm
transacts with every other firm,which may lead to an administrative burden if the number
of firms is large.
There is a substantial literature on buy back contracts.Padmanabhan and Png (1995)
describe several motivations for return policies that are not included in the newsvendor
model.A supplier may wish to offer a return policy to prevent the retailer from discounting
left over items,thereby weakening the supplier’s brand image.For instance,suppliers of
fashion apparel have large marketing budgets to enhance the popularity of their clothes.It
is di¢cult to convince consumers that your clothes are popular if they can be found in the
discount rack at the end of the season.Alternatively,a supplier may wish to accept returns
to rebalance inventory among retailers.There are a number of papers that consider stock
rebalancing in a centralized system (e.g.,Lee,1987; Tagaras and Cohen,1992).Rudi,Kapur
and Pyke (2001) and Anupindi,Bassok and Zemel (2001) consider inventory rebalancing in
decentralized systems.
In general,a contract coordinates the retailer’s and the supplier’s action whenever each
firm’s profit is an affine function of the supply chain’s profit.In effect the firms end up with
something that resembles a profit sharing arrangement.Jeuland and Shugan (1983) note
profit sharing can coordinate a supply chain,but they do not offer a specific contract for
achieving profit sharing.Caldentey and Wein (1999) show profit sharing occurs when each
firm receives a fixed fraction of every other firm’s utility.With that approach each firm
transacts with every other firm,which may lead to an administrative burden if the number
of firms is large.
There is a substantial literature on buy back contracts.Padmanabhan and Png (1995)
describe several motivations for return policies that are not included in the newsvendor
model.A supplier may wish to offer a return policy to prevent the retailer from discounting
left over items,thereby weakening the supplier’s brand image.For instance,suppliers of
fashion apparel have large marketing budgets to enhance the popularity of their clothes.It
is di¢cult to convince consumers that your clothes are popular if they can be found in the
discount rack at the end of the season.Alternatively,a supplier may wish to accept returns
to rebalance inventory among retailers.There are a number of papers that consider stock
rebalancing in a centralized system (e.g.,Lee,1987; Tagaras and Cohen,1992).Rudi,Kapur
and Pyke (2001) and Anupindi,Bassok and Zemel (2001) consider inventory rebalancing in
decentralized systems.
总的来说,合同契约规范协调着供货商和零售商之间的行动,保证无论何时每个公司的利润与整个供应链的利润成仿射函数关系.实际上公司都是最终为了利润分红或者其他类似的东西.Jeuland和Shugan 在1983年提出了利润分红可以协调供应链,但是他们又没有提供一个明确如何来分红的合同.Caldentey 和Wein 在1999年提出,只有当每个公司收到一份确定的和本公司实际付出相符的分配比例,才能最终达成利润分红.在多个公司之间进行沟通协调的过程中,如果公司数目太多,这就需要建立一个管理机构来做协调.
这里有大量关于补偿交易合同的著作,Padmanabhan 和Png 在1995年描述了多种动机的退款制度,不过这不包括小摊贩的模式.供货商希望通过给零售商提供退货退款制度来保证零售商不要通过打折来处理最终剩余过多的存货积压,因为这样会削弱供货商的品牌影响力.例如,时装供货商会通过大的市场预算来提高他们产品的知名度,如果顾客发现你的时装在季末做打折促销,那就很难让消费者相信你的衣服是真正的流行时装.如果不这么做,供货商会希望通过接收退货来重新平衡零售商的库存压力.这里也有关于考虑存货如何在系统中再平衡的论文著作
(e.g.,Lee,1987; Tagaras and Cohen,1992).Rudi,Kapur
and Pyke (2001) and Anupindi,Bassok and Zemel (2001) consider inventory rebalancing in
decentralized systems.
总的来说,合同契约规范协调着供货商和零售商之间的行动,保证无论何时每个公司的利润与整个供应链的利润成仿射函数关系.实际上公司都是最终为了利润分红或者其他类似的东西.Jeuland和Shugan 在1983年提出了利润分红可以协调供应链,但是他们又没有提供一个明确如何来分红的合同.Caldentey 和Wein 在1999年提出,只有当每个公司收到一份确定的和本公司实际付出相符的分配比例,才能最终达成利润分红.在多个公司之间进行沟通协调的过程中,如果公司数目太多,这就需要建立一个管理机构来做协调.
这里有大量关于补偿交易合同的著作,Padmanabhan 和Png 在1995年描述了多种动机的退款制度,不过这不包括小摊贩的模式.供货商希望通过给零售商提供退货退款制度来保证零售商不要通过打折来处理最终剩余过多的存货积压,因为这样会削弱供货商的品牌影响力.例如,时装供货商会通过大的市场预算来提高他们产品的知名度,如果顾客发现你的时装在季末做打折促销,那就很难让消费者相信你的衣服是真正的流行时装.如果不这么做,供货商会希望通过接收退货来重新平衡零售商的库存压力.这里也有关于考虑存货如何在系统中再平衡的论文著作
(e.g.,Lee,1987; Tagaras and Cohen,1992).Rudi,Kapur
and Pyke (2001) and Anupindi,Bassok and Zemel (2001) consider inventory rebalancing in
decentralized systems.
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