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A) active
1. In her later years, she continued to be _____ in politics.
2. Guests can enjoy plenty of _____, like swimming, surfing, and horse-riding.
B) self
3. You must learn to share and not be so _____.
4. Few people in this world, when it comes to it, are really _____.
C) devote
5. After she graduated she continued to _____ herself to research.
6. As the youngest son, he was extremely _____ to his mother.
7. Everybody present was deeply moved by her _____ to work.
D) willing
8. They are very _____ to give her the chance she needs.
9. She would _____ give up her spare time to help you with your math.
10. Where there is a _____, there is a way.
E) educate
11. The people who work here are well _____ and open-minded.
12. She was the first in her family to enjoy a university _____.
1. active 2. activities 3. selfish 4. selfless 5. devote 6. devoted
7. devotion 8. willing 9. willingly 10. will 11. educated 12. education

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