早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
i brought a big red bird-shaped kite and my two small cousins,to national taiwan university campus. we found an open
space away from telephone poles and lines and trees. after the
first few attempts to get the kite to fly i discovered how amateur i
really was. i was at the to realize this was going to be a long
trial-and- error process. by ten-thirty, at last i was at the height of
my glory: the kite was sailing upward and away as far as my string could
go. and both children were dancing, yelling, and clapping around me. i
had gotten the kite up, but i did not steer it well and the wind blew it
down toward the roof of a school building. finally my string broke, and
we all went home.
i brought a big red bird-shaped kite and my two small cousins,to national taiwan university campus. we found an open
space away from telephone poles and lines and trees. after the
first few attempts to get the kite to fly i discovered how amateur i
really was. i was at the to realize this was going to be a long
trial-and- error process. by ten-thirty, at last i was at the height of
my glory: the kite was sailing upward and away as far as my string could
go. and both children were dancing, yelling, and clapping around me. i
had gotten the kite up, but i did not steer it well and the wind blew it
down toward the roof of a school building. finally my string broke, and
we all went home.
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