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帮忙给翻译一段英文Didn't need to askDon't know the reasonEverything that I believeIs right hereNot thinkin' bout tomorrowCouldn't cath it if I triedWould isspinning too fastSo I'll wait' till it comes to meI am youYou are meWe are oneTake me in you armsAnd flow through youI'll flow through meSteal my breath awayCause I'm so moved by youDeeper than I ever thoughtWas possible ,was possible, it's everything ,ohDifference between me and youIt's all in where your heart liesAndevery day's another chanceSo let's get it rightI am youYou are meWe are oneTake me in you armsAnd flow through youI'll flow through meDid you lose yourself out thereDid you lose faith and give upDon't turn away and hide yourselfCause there's a friend to make along the wayWe are the heartbeat and our souls speakAnd all the beauty I have ever dreamedIs right here in front of me,ohIs right here in front of me,ohI am youYou are meWe are oneTake me in you armsAnd flow through youI'll flow through me
老兄 你打个标点不咯 哪个晓得你整的啥子东西哦 乱糟糟的 看到就没心情翻译了
看了 帮忙给翻译一段英文Didn'...的网友还看了以下:

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