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求英语作文:《学会独立》 急 要求:给两个自己独立的例子
Title :Learning to Be Independent
As human beings,we are advanced than any other animals.We can cook,we can drive,we can use TV and we have many skills.But we are not so independent when we were born,we have to learn skills to be independent.The most inportant exaples are learn to speak and learn to walk.
We can not conmmunicate if we can not speak,without communication,we can not be independent.We have to learn to speak as early as possible.I can not remember when exactly I can talk.My mom told me that,I can speak when I was half and one year old.The first word I speak is MOM,she was very happy when this word came our from my mouth,then she teach me more words,then conbine sentences.Then I can tell them that I am hungry,I am unhappy and so on.I think it is the first thing I learn to be independent.
We can not walk away from our mothers hugs if we can not walk.So learn to walk is also a very important things for us to be independent.
Then I learn to read,learning to do things by myself and I am more and more independent.
Everyone has to be independent,we can learn skills to get to it.
As human beings,we are advanced than any other animals.We can cook,we can drive,we can use TV and we have many skills.But we are not so independent when we were born,we have to learn skills to be independent.The most inportant exaples are learn to speak and learn to walk.
We can not conmmunicate if we can not speak,without communication,we can not be independent.We have to learn to speak as early as possible.I can not remember when exactly I can talk.My mom told me that,I can speak when I was half and one year old.The first word I speak is MOM,she was very happy when this word came our from my mouth,then she teach me more words,then conbine sentences.Then I can tell them that I am hungry,I am unhappy and so on.I think it is the first thing I learn to be independent.
We can not walk away from our mothers hugs if we can not walk.So learn to walk is also a very important things for us to be independent.
Then I learn to read,learning to do things by myself and I am more and more independent.
Everyone has to be independent,we can learn skills to get to it.
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