早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.What will they dance as soon as they die
2.How can you name five days of the week without Monday,Tuseday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday or Sunday?
3.What is the difference between electricity(电) and lightening(闪电)?
4.What can be used only after they have been broken
5.What grows bigger the more you take from it
Please answer them in English
1.What will they dance as soon as they die
2.How can you name five days of the week without Monday,Tuseday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday or Sunday?
3.What is the difference between electricity(电) and lightening(闪电)?
4.What can be used only after they have been broken
5.What grows bigger the more you take from it
Please answer them in English
3.You must pay for the electricity,but needn't pay for the lightening.
3.You must pay for the electricity,but needn't pay for the lightening.
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