早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I have a lot of trouble.
mommy lost the job,not the father,I fear my mother will spend the money,so how do we live it!
mother money to buy a house,my mother''s accounts linked in a friend''s house,my mother''s friends will not let me hang in their house account.My mom go through trustee accounts all day,making things difficult for those people entrusted to mother,mother is anxious cry,very sad,I can not help crying.
my balloon was blowing me a burst,balloon bag less and less,I no longer worry about running out of my mother bought me.
I do the math the total error,the mother decided to hit me,I''m sorry,I hope to get rid of a bad habit of carelessness,I hope my mother''s temper can be a little better.
lot of my troubles,the biggest worry is to not help the busy mom can not lift the mother''s troubles.
Western North Shijiazhuang Shiqiao Sun Hailin Man 6-year-old Elsie school preschool
mommy lost the job,not the father,I fear my mother will spend the money,so how do we live it!
mother money to buy a house,my mother''s accounts linked in a friend''s house,my mother''s friends will not let me hang in their house account.My mom go through trustee accounts all day,making things difficult for those people entrusted to mother,mother is anxious cry,very sad,I can not help crying.
my balloon was blowing me a burst,balloon bag less and less,I no longer worry about running out of my mother bought me.
I do the math the total error,the mother decided to hit me,I''m sorry,I hope to get rid of a bad habit of carelessness,I hope my mother''s temper can be a little better.
lot of my troubles,the biggest worry is to not help the busy mom can not lift the mother''s troubles.
Western North Shijiazhuang Shiqiao Sun Hailin Man 6-year-old Elsie school preschool
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