早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I "won" three of your "auctions," three pair of underwear.Obviously
these take up little space.As someone who has done quite a bit of
shipping/auction,and intend to do more,I know you could easily send
these three items together.Smash 'em up.Wrinkles hardly matter :)
lol Hope you would you be okay with this.At $6.95/piece that would
come to $20.85.If you are shipping them in box/envelope (a priority
mailer would be less than four dollars and the light weight would allow
for this).Actually,if they are sent in the same box/envelope,
legally my charge should be $6.95,as this is what you claim the
shipping to cost.I'm probably embarrassing myself.You probably
already know this given your high rating.I like to empower people with
knowledge--helps their sales,and saves me money
,which keeps ME coming back!:) :) :) This,of course,is a
(supposed) "savings" of $13.90.Again,I've been through this before,I
learned as a seller.How shall we do this?I want to do this legally
and ASAP!TY,Shari
Knowing the laws and all,I have a deal for you,and me.What would
you say to a gin price of 50,$10.00 to combine ship entire order,which
would save you $26.85,making almost $30--remembering,you would have
to ship each separately otherwise.
:) Shari
I "won" three of your "auctions," three pair of underwear.Obviously
these take up little space.As someone who has done quite a bit of
shipping/auction,and intend to do more,I know you could easily send
these three items together.Smash 'em up.Wrinkles hardly matter :)
lol Hope you would you be okay with this.At $6.95/piece that would
come to $20.85.If you are shipping them in box/envelope (a priority
mailer would be less than four dollars and the light weight would allow
for this).Actually,if they are sent in the same box/envelope,
legally my charge should be $6.95,as this is what you claim the
shipping to cost.I'm probably embarrassing myself.You probably
already know this given your high rating.I like to empower people with
knowledge--helps their sales,and saves me money
,which keeps ME coming back!:) :) :) This,of course,is a
(supposed) "savings" of $13.90.Again,I've been through this before,I
learned as a seller.How shall we do this?I want to do this legally
and ASAP!TY,Shari
Knowing the laws and all,I have a deal for you,and me.What would
you say to a gin price of 50,$10.00 to combine ship entire order,which
would save you $26.85,making almost $30--remembering,you would have
to ship each separately otherwise.
:) Shari
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