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会计信息失真问题的彻底治理和解决,对诚信的回归,对经济的持续增长,都具有极为重要的意义.经济越发展,会计越重要.“物竞天择,适者生存”,中国加入WTO 之后,对我国的改革开放是一种外在推动力,中国经济由此跨进了经济全球化的大门.经济的全球化带给财会人员一个崭新的课题就是财务会计的国际化,会计作为一种通用的商业语言,必须全方位与国际惯例接轨,与国际会计准则趋同,尽快确立适合中国国情的财务会计信息诚信披露制度;找寻缺失已久的诚信,营造一个良好的会计环境,努力提高会计信息质量水平,很好的发挥会计职能,有助于市场的有序运行,使会计工作上一个新水平,使会计真正起到促进社会进步和实现中国经济腾飞的作用.
The distortion of accounting information management and solve problems thoroughly, of honesty's return, to the steady growth of economy, all have very important significance. The economic development, the more important accounting. "The survival of the fittest", after China's entry into the WTO, to our country the reform and opening up is a kind of external propelling force, which the Chinese economy into the door of economic globalization. The globalization of economy accounting personnel to a brand-new topic is the internationalization of financial accounting, and accounting as a universal language of business, must be comprehensive and international practice, with international accounting standards and being established as soon as possible for the situation of China financial accounting information disclosure system integrity; Search for missing already a long time of credit, and build a good accounting environment, work hard to improve the quality of accounting information level, very good play, help market accounting function of orderly operation, make accounting work to a new level, make accounting really promote social progress and the realization of the function of the rapid growth of China's economy.
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