早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
Country, you walked through the extraordinary 55 years, like a baby grew in their forties, today you are energetic, with a flourishing young enough, you had him over the years, also had a laugh.
Experienced rugged bumpy, tomorrow will be better.
55 years, you has undergone changes, your people increasingly rich and strong.
Your strong national strength.
Your world is not enough people of Chinese descent was ever!
You have won the respect of the world's attention.
Now you are making progress, our emotions and went into the new century, today, in this celebrated the Festival, I in my heart to say to you, our motherland, Hey!
Written for the motherland mother's songs autumn air came in or have a cream flavour chrysanthemum, and offered the rubble in rich quarter Kiss sunset afterglow love overflow gentle eyes looked up calls echoing across the soothing sounds of passion and a verse to listen to the suffering of the Yellow River bubbling contain numerous historical view of sand into the accumulation of live in olden days old and grey is your face the hard left in my childhood, Kayla branded chill half a century in the vast ancient civilization in the footsteps of the long history of history and tumble at the mercy of the past: a heroic time playing and singing with the strings of a glorious melody today
Experienced rugged bumpy, tomorrow will be better.
55 years, you has undergone changes, your people increasingly rich and strong.
Your strong national strength.
Your world is not enough people of Chinese descent was ever!
You have won the respect of the world's attention.
Now you are making progress, our emotions and went into the new century, today, in this celebrated the Festival, I in my heart to say to you, our motherland, Hey!
Written for the motherland mother's songs autumn air came in or have a cream flavour chrysanthemum, and offered the rubble in rich quarter Kiss sunset afterglow love overflow gentle eyes looked up calls echoing across the soothing sounds of passion and a verse to listen to the suffering of the Yellow River bubbling contain numerous historical view of sand into the accumulation of live in olden days old and grey is your face the hard left in my childhood, Kayla branded chill half a century in the vast ancient civilization in the footsteps of the long history of history and tumble at the mercy of the past: a heroic time playing and singing with the strings of a glorious melody today
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