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求翻译成英文 我在听 伤心太平洋,超High ,都睡不着了,百听不厌的一首歌
Leave really cruel
Or tender is shameful
Or lonely people do not matter
No night year.but unconditionally
Front really dangerous
Or betrayal is considerate
Or escape is easier to it
The wind sand box
Going one step is the dusk
Life is a step back
The wind rough waves not meditation is not safe
An island locks a person
My ship is still not come
The people I don't understand
Lonely sank into the sea is silent
No future I was in
If the boom to the heart also
If you still don't come to the tide
Float ShenShen float past float
You have not come back memories
A wave is not calm
A wave and to attack
The boundless huge of wind and rain
A wave of still too late
A wave would have in the past
Life a rude awakening
The Pacific Ocean deeply deeply sad
Leave really cruel
Or tender is shameful
Or lonely people do not matter
No night year.but unconditionally
Going one step is the dusk
Life is a step back
The wind rough waves not meditation is not safe
An island locks a person
My ship is still not come
The people I don't understand
Lonely sank into the sea is silent
You have not come back memories
A wave is not calm
A wave and to attack
The boundless huge of wind and rain
A wave of still too late
A wave would have in the past
Life a rude awakening
The Pacific Ocean deeply deeply sad
A wave is not calm
A wave and to attack
The boundless huge of wind and rain
A wave of still too late
A wave would have in the past
Life a rude awakening
The Pacific Ocean deeply deeply sad
The Pacific Ocean deeply deeply sad
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