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导论 秘书是领导人的智囊和助手.他辅助领导人从事各项管理工作,负有参政设谋,协调综合,督促检查,拾遗补缺等重大责任.秘书素质的强弱直接关系到工作质量与效率的高低.魏征说:"求木之长者,必固其根本;欲流之远者,必浚其泉源."(魏征:《谏太宗十思疏》)参谋之本,集中于秘书参谋人员的基本素质.没有良好的素质,连一般秘书工作做起来都感吃力,做参谋工作自然力不从心,多谋善断更无从谈起因此,秘书人员必须具备较高的政治 思想、品德、智能、身心等方面的素质.但是,仅仅具备这些基本的素质,还不是合格的秘书人才,还不能说是一个精明能干的秘书.秘书要在领会贯彻领导意图的过程中与领导配合默契,使领导得心应手,并达到心领神会,挥洒自如的境界,才称的上是一位合格的秘书人员.
关键词 秘书职能:意识:辅助:配合
导论 秘书是领导人的智囊和助手.他辅助领导人从事各项管理工作,负有参政设谋,协调综合,督促检查,拾遗补缺等重大责任.秘书素质的强弱直接关系到工作质量与效率的高低.魏征说:"求木之长者,必固其根本;欲流之远者,必浚其泉源."(魏征:《谏太宗十思疏》)参谋之本,集中于秘书参谋人员的基本素质.没有良好的素质,连一般秘书工作做起来都感吃力,做参谋工作自然力不从心,多谋善断更无从谈起因此,秘书人员必须具备较高的政治 思想、品德、智能、身心等方面的素质.但是,仅仅具备这些基本的素质,还不是合格的秘书人才,还不能说是一个精明能干的秘书.秘书要在领会贯彻领导意图的过程中与领导配合默契,使领导得心应手,并达到心领神会,挥洒自如的境界,才称的上是一位合格的秘书人员.
关键词 秘书职能:意识:辅助:配合
By secretary's work function
The introductory remarks secretary is leader's brain trusterand the assistant. He assists the leader to be engaged in eachsupervisory work, has participates in government supposes thestratagem, the coordinated synthesis, the supervision inspection,appropriates lost articles fills a vacancy and so on the significantresponsibility. The secretary quality strong and the weak directlyrelates the work quality and the efficiency height. Wei Zheng saidthat, " Asks elder of the wood, must be solid fundamentally its;Wants to flow far, must dredge its springhead. " (Wei Zheng:"Admonishes Too Ancestor Ten To think Sparsely") foundation of theadvice, concentrates to the secretary staff personnel's basic quality.Not the good quality, works including the common secretary does allfeels strenuously, makes the advice to work the nature to lack theability to do what one would like, is resourceful and decisivementions without knowing where to begin therefore, the secretarypersonnel must have higher aspect the and so on political thinking,personal character, intelligence, body and mind quality. But, merelyhas these basic qualities, but also is not the qualified secretarytalented person, but also cannot say is an astute competent secretary.The secretary wants in to comprehend the implementation leadershipintention in the process with the leadership coordination tacitunderstanding, causes the leader to be handy, and achievesunderstands, writes with a free pen the boundary, only then called onis a qualified secretary personnel. Key word secretary function: Consciousness: Assistance: Coordination
The introductory remarks secretary is leader's brain trusterand the assistant. He assists the leader to be engaged in eachsupervisory work, has participates in government supposes thestratagem, the coordinated synthesis, the supervision inspection,appropriates lost articles fills a vacancy and so on the significantresponsibility. The secretary quality strong and the weak directlyrelates the work quality and the efficiency height. Wei Zheng saidthat, " Asks elder of the wood, must be solid fundamentally its;Wants to flow far, must dredge its springhead. " (Wei Zheng:"Admonishes Too Ancestor Ten To think Sparsely") foundation of theadvice, concentrates to the secretary staff personnel's basic quality.Not the good quality, works including the common secretary does allfeels strenuously, makes the advice to work the nature to lack theability to do what one would like, is resourceful and decisivementions without knowing where to begin therefore, the secretarypersonnel must have higher aspect the and so on political thinking,personal character, intelligence, body and mind quality. But, merelyhas these basic qualities, but also is not the qualified secretarytalented person, but also cannot say is an astute competent secretary.The secretary wants in to comprehend the implementation leadershipintention in the process with the leadership coordination tacitunderstanding, causes the leader to be handy, and achievesunderstands, writes with a free pen the boundary, only then called onis a qualified secretary personnel. Key word secretary function: Consciousness: Assistance: Coordination
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