早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
这又是个有趣的话题,马的确三条腿着地的,有一条腿是半绻的状态,其实这是马匹经过不断的演化得 到的最舒适的睡觉方式.其实道理分析下,如下:
这又是个有趣的话题,马的确三条腿着地的,有一条腿是半绻的状态,其实这是马匹经过不断的演化得 到的最舒适的睡觉方式.其实道理分析下,如下:
Again this is an interesting topic.The horses indeed sleep on three legs with one of them half curled up.It is in fact the most comfortable way that a horse has got for sleeping from many years' evolution.After studying the fact,we may find out that the reasons are actually as simple as the following:
1.To achieve stable balance for any object with certain weight,three supports will be enough.Like the bicycle in our daily use,it has the front and the rear wheels to touch the ground,only with one more stand,we can leave it well balanced.There is no need for an additional support,for if that were the case,the effects of force would be dispersed and that would lead to the instability nevertheless.
2.This pose will help the horse to rest better,for unless the horse could lie down,otherwise in standing mode,by curling up its leg,the horse can let the muscles relax and help the blood flow more quickly,eventually which will result in a better physical health.If the horse straightened all its four legs,the blood flow would be less smooth due to the intensity of muscles all over the body.Besides,the horse is having the legs relaxed in turn,by alternating the relaxation of the legs,it can have a better stretching exercise.
3.Because horses are expected to set to their pulling duties at any time when there is a need,this will require them to response for new activities in the shortest time.If they did not have the muscles relaxed,they would not be able to give themselves a rest,as a result they would have no more energy to serve us.
4.All are alike to the human beings – stretch yourself,relax the mind and the body and get ready for new tasks,this is why the horse rest on three legs.
1.To achieve stable balance for any object with certain weight,three supports will be enough.Like the bicycle in our daily use,it has the front and the rear wheels to touch the ground,only with one more stand,we can leave it well balanced.There is no need for an additional support,for if that were the case,the effects of force would be dispersed and that would lead to the instability nevertheless.
2.This pose will help the horse to rest better,for unless the horse could lie down,otherwise in standing mode,by curling up its leg,the horse can let the muscles relax and help the blood flow more quickly,eventually which will result in a better physical health.If the horse straightened all its four legs,the blood flow would be less smooth due to the intensity of muscles all over the body.Besides,the horse is having the legs relaxed in turn,by alternating the relaxation of the legs,it can have a better stretching exercise.
3.Because horses are expected to set to their pulling duties at any time when there is a need,this will require them to response for new activities in the shortest time.If they did not have the muscles relaxed,they would not be able to give themselves a rest,as a result they would have no more energy to serve us.
4.All are alike to the human beings – stretch yourself,relax the mind and the body and get ready for new tasks,this is why the horse rest on three legs.
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