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这是为什么?这是制度的逻辑.且让我们再回到电影的一些具体细节当中.其实,在这样的司法制度中,真正能使被告有罪的理由就是排除合理怀疑(beyond a reasonable doubt).也就是说,只要一个正常的、谨慎的人对案件的证据产生一个合乎情理的疑惑,被告就可以无罪.
This be why?This is the system logic.And let us return to some concrete detail middle of film again.Can make the guilty reason of defendant be to remove rational suspicion really in fact,in such a judicial systems.That is ,as long as a regular ,cautious people evidence to law case produces sensible one feeling uncertain ,defendant can be innocent.
这是为什么?这是制度的逻辑.且让我们再回到电影的一些具体细节当中.其实,在这样的司法制度中,真正能使被告有罪的理由就是排除合理怀疑(beyond a reasonable doubt).也就是说,只要一个正常的、谨慎的人对案件的证据产生一个合乎情理的疑惑,被告就可以无罪.
This be why?This is the system logic.And let us return to some concrete detail middle of film again.Can make the guilty reason of defendant be to remove rational suspicion really in fact,in such a judicial systems.That is ,as long as a regular ,cautious people evidence to law case produces sensible one feeling uncertain ,defendant can be innocent.
Why is it?This is the logic of the system.And let us go back to some of the details of the film.In fact,in such a judicial system,the real reason to make the defendant guilty is to eliminate the reasonable doubt.In other words,as long as a normal prudent person doubts reasonably on the evidence of the case,the accused will be innocent.
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