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Honesty is the best Policy(诚信是最好的政策)
Honesty is the best policy,it should be followed by everyone to succeed in their life.Though we can make money by improper way but it won't give us a good status in the society.Honesty is important for both personal life and buisness life.As we go through the history of the great leaders,they all succeed in their life mainly by the way of their life style.They all followed the truth and honest.
Honesty is very important in many aspects of our life.If we are honest,everyone will believe us.If we are not be honest for even once then no one will respect or believe us even if we're telling the truth.A good example of this is the story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".
Best way to avoid these problems is explain our situation that all our friends are going to theatre they are asking me to join with them.Can you give me a permission to go with them?If we do this,they surely allow us to join with them.It makes them happy.We should follow the honesty in our personal to have happy family life.Even it's important to be honest with our parters.It gives good understanding between them.
In case of buisness life we should be honesty to our co-workers and our boss.It gives them a good opinion about us.We are rewarded by them.Buisness success is primarly based on the honesty.If we are honest in our part then we can become reputated person in our buisness.
In conclussion honesty is impormant to succeed in every part our life.
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