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其次,质的准则要求不要说自知是虚假或缺乏足够证据的话。委婉语从本质上说违反了这一准则,他要么夸大事实,要么低调陈诉原有现状的缺陷或不足,于是有些学者把委婉语称之为“language of deceit”或“glided words".有些职业听起来不那么好听,所以也用一些委婉说法来代替。
其次,质的准则要求不要说自知是虚假或缺乏足够证据的话。委婉语从本质上说违反了这一准则,他要么夸大事实,要么低调陈诉原有现状的缺陷或不足,于是有些学者把委婉语称之为“language of deceit”或“glided words".有些职业听起来不那么好听,所以也用一些委婉说法来代替。
First,the standards require the amount of words the purpose should contain the information needed to talk,the words should not exceed the required information.Euphemism to some extent contrary to the guidelines.In order to achieve better communication results.Euphemism means will be needed to be omitted,eliminating some of the wording to make it fade vulgar semantic ambiguity or some harsh or impolite.
Second,the quality standards require that knew to be false or not a lack of sufficient evidence to say.Euphemism in essence a violation of this criterion,he or exaggerated the facts,or the status of low-key impact statements defect or lack of the original,so some scholars call the euphemism "language of deceit" or "glided words".Some professional It sounds not so nice,so it is with some euphemism instead.Euphemism literally raised the level of these occupations,but also reflects the low level people to seek recognition and respect by the psychological community.Although some elderly people living lonely,miserable life,sounds,or can be a psychological comfort
Second,the quality standards require that knew to be false or not a lack of sufficient evidence to say.Euphemism in essence a violation of this criterion,he or exaggerated the facts,or the status of low-key impact statements defect or lack of the original,so some scholars call the euphemism "language of deceit" or "glided words".Some professional It sounds not so nice,so it is with some euphemism instead.Euphemism literally raised the level of these occupations,but also reflects the low level people to seek recognition and respect by the psychological community.Although some elderly people living lonely,miserable life,sounds,or can be a psychological comfort
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