早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
My grandpa tould me a story,that was very interesting.
One hot summer day,a fox was taking walk when he noticed
a bunch of grapes that just turn ripe,hanging high above.
He felt extreme thirsty,so he took a stepback,then
running forward and jumped,but he missed the grapes.
Though he was a bit disappointing,he made up his mind
to try again.He tried with all his strengths.But again he
missed the grapes.Again and again he tried,but he gave
up on the end.And he walked away with his nose in the air,saying,
"I didn't was those older grapes anyaway.I'm sure they are sour."
My grandpa tould me a story,that was very interesting.
One hot summer day,a fox was taking walk when he noticed
a bunch of grapes that just turn ripe,hanging high above.
He felt extreme thirsty,so he took a stepback,then
running forward and jumped,but he missed the grapes.
Though he was a bit disappointing,he made up his mind
to try again.He tried with all his strengths.But again he
missed the grapes.Again and again he tried,but he gave
up on the end.And he walked away with his nose in the air,saying,
"I didn't was those older grapes anyaway.I'm sure they are sour."
1.that:which 2 walk 前加 a 3.turn:turned 4.extremely 5.running:ran 6.disappointed 7.strengths:strength 8.9.on:in 10was:want ; older:old
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