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our livies are changing incessantly along with the dissemination of computer and internet,and the coming of information epoch.Electronic business(E-Business) has been used in different areas as a new business model and tended to be a business style to orient the development of corporations.
this essay analysised the situation of mini and medium-sized local dress companies,the benefit affect of E-Business,the impendency and feasibility of running E-Business and the running stlye of E-Business in corporation,and find out the result that running E- Business is one way to retaining competition and developing for mini and medium-size dress companies.This is the final direction of developing.Furthermore,this is the key function in market competing in the new state of affairs.However,there are some problems of E-Business,the author suggested countermeasures.Meanwhile,in this essay,the author designed a E-Business project which based on the situation of local mini and medium-sized corporation and market in current phase.
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