请以Changes in my hometown为题写篇短文,描述你的家乡近几年来居民生活、交通状况和环境方面的 变化,词数不少于80.
Changes in my hometown
One possible version:
Changes in my hometown
My hometown is a town in North-east China. It has changed a lot over the years.
In the past people there were poor and they lived in old small houses. Now most of them have moved into big and bright flats. They have enough money to buy what they need. Many families go on trips every year.
Years ago people get around the town on foot or by bike. Now there are many buses in town. Many families even have their own cars.
In the past there was a factory near the town. The air pollution was serious. Later the government turned the place into a park. Now the air is much cleaner.
My hometown has become a very beautiful town.
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