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The picture reflects the fact that the doctors often order exceeding checks for extra income,which contributes to the tension between the doctors and the patients and distrust between them.They may compel the patients,or threaten them to do some rediculous items,making advantages of the asymmetry information and knowledge and the mind of the patients that they cannot afford any results on the health which is led to by refusing the doctors.The patients' having to pay more,which stresses the pressures on their tight budgets.Sometimes even the stability of the society is harmed would they finally find the truth or the therapy fails,and they decide to block the hospitals.There has been even more incidents that the relatives of the dead gathered a gang to go to the government in order to gain public attention,sympathy and support.The moral's deteriorating makes it less important for the doctors to enhance their technique for the immoral method allows more profit and their belief that saving lives first may be replaced by money first,which will undermine their reputations.As we are going to be doctors,we should remember that saving lives and reducing others' pain is our obligations.Money can never dim the shine of humanitarianism.
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