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In winter,I often walk in a nearby park during lunch time.The park is quiet,as(21)___ people
have the time to enjoy the winter sun on a weekday.The two people that are often seen are a middle-aged father and his little daughter (22)___ her school uniform.The father looks like he has all the time in the world--he (23)___ to hurry along the jogging path; instead he matches his pace with (24)___ of the little girl.Sometimes they are lying (25)___ in the sun,laughing and chatting.
The man certainly doesn't look(26)___.What sort of job can he have that gives him the flexibility to walk in the park in the middle of the day?
And today,we(27)___ sat on the rocks and had a little chat."You (28)___ enjoy the park very much to come here so often,"I said.The father nodded."How"I asked curiously,"do you(29)___ to leave your office to be with your daughter every day?"
The story that the father,Satyendra Dugbey,told me showed me how,if we(30)___ under the surface,even ordinary people's life can be quite(31)___.
"I used to be no different from any of those thousands of office workers (32)___  to work every day,"he began.His wife and he were well (33)___  but rarely managed time off for leisure.
Everything changed after an accident (34)___ Dugbey was hit by a car.As he lay in hospital,terrifying thoughts(35)___ his mind."How would my daughter,then only four,remember me if I died that day?""Would my daughter have (36)___   of being with her father?"
The moment he recovered and went back to work,Dugbey took time off at lunch,(37)___ her daughter from school which was just next door to his working place,and took her to the park.
It was actually a very small change he'd made,he said,but it amazed him every day to see the difference it(38)___ to his life."It brings me so much(39)___ that I can't believe why others haven't thought of doing the same thing."he said simply.
I got up to continue my (40)___ walk,unexpectedly happy after his story.

21.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little
22.A.on B.in C.with D.under
23.A.tends B.intends C.inspires D.refuses
24.A.it B.that C.this D.those
25.A.heavily B.tiredly C.lazily D.lonely
26.A.unemployed B.untrained C.untested D.unwanted
27.A.truly B.generally C.entirely D.finally
28.A.can B.should C.must D.would
29.A.succeed B.fail C.manage D.struggle
30.A.dig B.push C.clean D.knock
31.A.extraordinary B.flexible C.peaceful D.reliable
32.A.hurrying B.wandering C.hesitating D.hating
33.A.down B.over C.above D.off
34.A.under which B.in which C.at which D.on which
35.A.came up B.came about C.came out D.came into
36.A.association B.memories C.misunderstanding D.consideration
37.A.picked up B.picked out C.took up D.took out
38.A.took B.led C.made D.got
39.A.love B.joy C.relief D.depression
40.A.long-suffering B.long-lost C.long-forgotten D.long-lasting.
21-25:ABDBC       26-30:ADCCA     31-35:AADBD       36-40:BACBC
21.A根据上文"The park is quiet,"可知,公园里很安静,几乎没有人在工作日里有时间享受冬日的阳光.few几乎没有.故选 A.
23.D根据下文"instead he matches his pace with of the little girl."可知,他拒绝在慢跑道上匆忙行走.refuse拒绝.故选D.
26.A根据下文"What sort of job can he have that gives him the flexibility to walk in the park in the middle of the day?"可知,他看起来一点儿也不像无业游民.unemployed未雇佣的.故选A.
28.C根据"to come here so often"可知,你们常来这里,肯定很喜欢这个公园吧.must肯定.故选C.
29.C句意:你能够每天中午都离开办公室和你的女儿在一起吗?manage to do sth.想方设法做成某事.故选C.
31.A根据上文"even ordinary people's life"可知,即便是平凡人也可能有着不平凡的故事.extraordinary不平凡的.故选A.
32.A根据上文"I used to be no different from any of those thousands of office workers"可知,我每天都和很多办公人员一样匆忙上班.hurrying匆忙.故选A.
33.D句意:虽然他的妻子和他的收入很高.well off富有的.故选D.
34.B  which引导定语从句,指代先行词an accident作为介词 in 的宾语.句意:Dugbey被一辆公共汽车撞倒,事故之后一切都变了.故选B.
35.D句意:当他躺在医院里的时候,脑海里闪过一个可怕的想法.came into进来.故选D.
37.A句意:他把女儿从学校接出来,带到公园去.picked up接送.故选A.
38.C句意:但这却让他的生活每天都发生令人惊讶的新变化.made a difference有影响.故选C.
39.B句意:这给我带来 了极大的快乐,我想不明白为什么其他人没有想过要这样做.joy快乐.故选B.