早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
第二节完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
A fisherman was lying on a beautiful beach and enjoying the warm sunshine with one end of his fishing pole (鱼竿) placed in the sand.
Then a 21 came walking down the beach to have a 22 from his work. He saw the fisherman and decided to 23 why this fisherman was not working 24 .
“If you want to catch lots of fish you should be 25 rather than lying on the beach!”
The fisherman asked looking 26 at the businessman and smiling “And what will my reward be?”
“Well you can get big 27 to catch more fish!” the man answered.
“And then what will my reward be?” asked the fisherman 28 smiling.
The businessman replied “Then you will 29 money and you can buy more nets and also a big boat 30 you can get a lot more fish!”
“And then what will my reward be?” the fisherman asked the 31 question with a smiling face again.
The businessman was beginning to get 32 .
“You can buy a bigger boat and hire (雇) some people to fish for you! Then you will be a rich man ” he said in a higher 33 .
Once again the fisherman smiled at him and asked “And then what will my reward be?”
The businessman was 34 of his question and shouted at the fisherman “Don’t you understand? You can become so 35 that you will never have to work for your living again! You can 36 on this beach and enjoy the 37 .”
The fisherman didn’t 38 the question this time. 39 he asked “What do you think I’m doing right now?”
Not knowing 40 to say the businessman left.
21.A. teacher B. doctor C. farmer D. businessman
22.A. look B. rest C. walk D. meeting
23.A. look up B. hunt for C. find out D. watch out
24.A. little B. much C. hard D. early
25.A. learning B. working C. sleeping D. resting
26.A. down B. up C. away D. out
27.A. fields B. space C. nets D. houses
28.A. still B. even C. not D. only
29.A. accept B. receive C. make D. create
30.A. as if B. even though C. so that D. although
31.A. same B. difficult C. special D. different
32.A. frightened B. interested C. hungry D. angry
33.A. voice B. sound C. grade D. place
34.A. fond B. tired C. proud D. worried
35.A. famous B. rich C. happy D. lucky
36.A. sit B. stand C. lie D. run
37.A. sunshine B. moonlight C. cool wind D. sunrise
38.A. reply B. repeat C. consider D. report
39.A. However B. Instead C. So D. Besides
40.A. when B. where C. what D. which
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