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ous. Judging from the appearance, laptop computers, small, easy to carry, take up the space is little, whether we are on business or travel, can easily as carrying the notebook, its the biggest characteristics that can be moved; And the desktop is different, because of its size is larger, can't just take, so are generally family or office use.For laptop and desktop computer, or the difference between actually very obv
From internal structure terms, the structure of the desktop and laptop is the same. Just as laptop space limitation, so a lot of equipment and the integration of the motherboard is. Laptop graphics CARDS do are small, and not so desktop. Desktop can assembly, but generally speaking, notebook is not to be assembled.
From the price for, the same price notebook and desktop, configuration, because some good ichance desktop notebook generally than your desktop, so some pragmatic word choice more cost-effective. Some chance desktop
In computer repair, because most of the function on the notebook on the mainboard, so once a certain place is broken, the cost of repair than desktop expensive.
Generally speaking, laptop computers can be used in the office, and the personal desktop in family and the opportunity to use of units of the office, this kind of don't need often move place. They each has certain market, is also each have an advantage.
From internal structure terms, the structure of the desktop and laptop is the same. Just as laptop space limitation, so a lot of equipment and the integration of the motherboard is. Laptop graphics CARDS do are small, and not so desktop. Desktop can assembly, but generally speaking, notebook is not to be assembled.
From the price for, the same price notebook and desktop, configuration, because some good ichance desktop notebook generally than your desktop, so some pragmatic word choice more cost-effective. Some chance desktop
In computer repair, because most of the function on the notebook on the mainboard, so once a certain place is broken, the cost of repair than desktop expensive.
Generally speaking, laptop computers can be used in the office, and the personal desktop in family and the opportunity to use of units of the office, this kind of don't need often move place. They each has certain market, is also each have an advantage.
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