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I recently read newspapers,business cards and invitations for domestic arguments a lot,so think of a guest in Paris,the French often see the hands of business cards and invitations,essays down,does not seem to not learn from them.
In Paris,numerous reception,buffet is a good opportunity to make friends.
In this occasion met a stranger,if it is Asians,they tend to speak respectfully with both hands before the card was handed to his other side,it seems to be indispensable etiquette.
However,they are nothing but the French generally do not take the initiative to deliver business cards,greeting the two sides met a few,some will even brighter future to their respective chat away,speculation is only when the two sides talking and hopes to continue exchanges,will take the initiative out business cards.
Hand,the first business card apart from anything else a bit reluctant.
I recently read newspapers,business cards and invitations for domestic arguments a lot,so think of a guest in Paris,the French often see the hands of business cards and invitations,essays down,does not seem to not learn from them.
In Paris,numerous reception,buffet is a good opportunity to make friends.In this occasion met a stranger,if it is Asians,they tend to speak respectfully with both hands before the card was handed to his other side,it seems to be indispensable etiquette.However,they are nothing but the French generally do not take the initiative to deliver business cards,greeting the two sides met a few,some will even brighter future to their respective chat away,speculation is only when the two sides talking and hopes to continue exchanges,will take the initiative out business cards.Hand,the first business card apart from anything else a bit reluctant.
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