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1. A quadratic equation of the relationship between roots and coefficients, and often referred to as Vedic theorem, this is because the theorem is the most outstanding 16th century French mathematician Vedic found.
2. Whyte was the first to consciously and systematically the number of people using the letters, and mathematical symbols on a number of improvements.
3. He wrote in 1591. " . . "Is the earliest writings of symbolic algebra. He established the principles and methods of symbolic algebra, algebra made at the time the algebra as a systematic and analytical methods used. Therefore, he received the "Father of Algebra" said. He also wrote. " . . "." . . "And so many mathematical treatises. Whyte's book, a unique form contains all the mathematical content of the Renaissance. Unfortunately, comparing the Vedic writings obscure the text, can not be widely disseminated at the time
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