Bikes and cars are two important things. Many Chinese people have cars now but most Chinese people still like to ride bikes. Do you know why?
We all know that the bike can’t go quickly but it’s easy for people to buy and ride it. As for the car it needs too much money.
Most Americans live far from the center of cities or their working places. So they need cars to go shopping or go to work every day. Most Chinese people live near their working places so they don’t need cars to go to work. And it’s good for the environment(环境) if people stop driving. So there is a day called “No-Car Day” on September 22nd every year.
For me I like to go to school by bike. It is easy and healthy.
1. Do most Chinese people need to drive cars? xkb1.com
2. When is “No-Car Day” every year?
3. What two things does the passage(文章) talk about?
4. Why do most Americans need cars to go shopping or go to work every day?
1: No they don’t. /No.
2: On September 22nd.
3. Bikes and cars.
4. Because they live far from the center of cities or their working places.
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