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Environmental accounting research began in the 20th century, the age of 70. In 1971, FA Bimeng Si (FABeams) of the "social costs of pollution control Conversion" and the 1973 JT Marlin (JTMarlin) of the "pollution of the accounting issues," two articles represented, opened Environmental Accounting Research the regiment. 20th century Anglo-American and other developed countries 80 years of accounting experts made a lot of environmental accounting in depth research study, the formation of some preliminary theoretical framework. 90 20th century, few countries on the establishment of environmental accounting system on a small scale experiment, and achieved many results. In China, in 1992 Mr Ruo Shan Ge co-authored with mentor has published articles rather the depth of the first papers on environmental accounting "Accounting Theory nineties, a new Western thought - Green Accounting Theory," published in "Accounting Research" , this led to discussion of environmental accounting in China. However, studies of environmental accounting is relatively more backward areas of practice is slow.
This article first describes the emergence of environmental accounting, development and the establishment of the importance of environmental accounting; and then explain the framework of environmental accounting system, respectively, from the environmental costs, environmental liabilities, environmental assets, accounts and environmental accounting information system in five areas that environmental accounting, the accounting problems, and finally, to an enterprise as an example, the use of environment-related factors on accounting methods for recognition, measurement.
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