早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


第41题 (1.0) 分
Which of the following subjects are NOT offered to elementary school students?
A、Mathematics and languages.
B、Politics and business education.
C、Science and social studies.
D、Music and physical education.
第42题 (1.0) 分
Public servants in New Zealand are officials working in government departments
A、whose appointments are independent of political process.
B、whose appointments are determined by government ministers.
C、who will lose their positions when the government changes.
D、who are members of the party in power.
第43题 (1.0) 分
Which of the following was NOT one of the three forces that led to the modern development of Europe?
A、The growth of capitalism.
B、The Renaissance.
C、The Religious Reformation.
D、The spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.
第44题 (1.0) 分
Who is the most influential person in the Canadian government?
A、the Queen
B、a Cabinet Minister
C、the Prime Minister
D、the Governor General
第45题 (1.0) 分
Which of the following about the Queen is NOT true?
A、The Queen selects the Prime MinisterAnd the Cabinet.
B、The Queen symbolizes the tradition And unity of the British state.
C、The Queen Acts As A confidante to the Prime Minister.
D、The Queen is the temporal head of the Church of England.
第46题 (1.0) 分
Which group of people can NOT vote in the general election?
A、members in the House of Commons
B、Lords in the House of Lords
C、the UK citizens Above the Age of 18
D、the UK resident citizens of the Irish Republic
第47题 (1.0) 分
Who first came and settled in Canada?
A、British colonists.
B、French colonists.
C、American colonists.
D、Spanish colonists.
第48题 (1.0) 分
The aim of the Prices and Incomes Accord agreement in Australia was to
A、fix the wage regardless of the change in price.
B、fix the priceAtA certain level through A centralized system.
C、further decrease the current Account deficit.
D、tackle the dual problem of high unemployment And inflation.
第49题 (1.0) 分
In the seventeenth century,the English government encouraged people from Scotland and Northern England to emigrate to the north of Ireland,because
A、they wanted to increase its control over Ireland.
B、they had too many people And didn’t have enough space for them to live in.
C、they intended to expand their investment.
D、they believed that Ireland was the best place for them.
第50题 (1.0) 分
New Zealanders have adopted their name from the kiwi,_________ .
A、which is A native flightless bird
B、which was the only mammal in New Zealand
C、which was introduced to New Zealand About 1,000 years Ago
D、which is An introduced flightless bird