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     Many people go to school for education.They learn languages,history,politics,math and so on.Others go
to learn a kind of skill so that they can make a living.School education is very important and useful.Yet,no one
can learn everything at school.A teacher can't teach his students everything.The teacher only teaches them how
to read and how to think.But the students themselves need to learn much more outside of school.
1.As a student,we go to school for ________.
2.Jim wants to find a job,at first,he'd better go to school ________.
3.If we want to know the development of our country,we must learn much _______ and _______ of school.
4.In class,the role of a teacher is ________.
5.The student who ________ is the best student.
1. education
2. to learn a kind of skill
3. much in and outside of school
4. to teach the students how to read and how to think.
5. learns much more outside of school
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