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Paris is a beautiful city. Is also the capital and largest city in France, is France's political, economic and cultural center, while the four world-class cities, tied for second only to New York, London, and Tokyo, Japan. Paris is the fashion capital of the world's attention, set romance, fashion, temperament, and literacy in a city. Paris traffic is very developed.
Paris is very active in street art, northwest of the city Arts Plaza is famous open-air gallery in the world, every day, many painters here painting sale. Young students and the general public often bring their own musical instruments concerts, performing a variety of programs. Paris there are many well-known figures, such as Napoleon, Rousseau, Hugo. The Paris climate is appropriate and suitable for people to live here. Paris is a world historic city of monuments abound, the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Elysee Palace, the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre, the Place de la Concorde, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Georges Pompidou National Culture and Arts Center, the domestic and foreign tourists the linger the place. The Eiffel Tower in France once the world's tallest building record of 40 years of Tower to become the most important symbol of Paris.
In addition, in Paris, there are a lot of food.
In Paris, if only to visit places of interest, but to see half of the city. Opera and theater arts has been deeply rooted in the life of the people of France. Want the full experience of Parisian life, going to look at the Paris nightlife.
I hope the above is the reason for a visit to Paris.
看了 英语翻译巴黎是个美丽的城市....的网友还看了以下:

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