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1906, at Bell Labs, Bell Electronics in vitro through the public address function of the electron transistor made of, it received the public address function of the direction of telephone service, these great inventions of our life now has a major impact, then is the emergence of mobile phone. Mobile has a very attractive features, it is very advanced technology products. In some countries, it is even a symbol of the status of the user. At present, mobile phone applications become more extensive, and now it has become part of people's lives, no matter where you at, you will see lot of people use mobile phone.
For most people, whenever mentioned in the invention, the association must be Alexander Graham Bell. March 10, 1876, Bell Telephone proclaimed a new era in human history to come. Tel invention after the decades, many patents have been invented, January 25, 1915, the first trans-regional telephone line between New York and San Francisco at the opening. In 1925, the then president of AT & T, Howard turkey Verde (Walter Gifford), set up a called the "Bell Telephone Laboratories Company" independent entities.In 1933, Karl Jansky (Karl Jansky) study the establishment of radio astronomy. July 1, 1948, Bell Labs invented the transistor. This is not only for the development of mobile phone now has great significance, but also for all aspects of human life have a great impact. These are the development of the communication system played a very important role. It can be seen from the phone to mobile phone development history has been in constant progress, people from the phone has been a lot of cell phone about the inspiration. At present, globally the most widely used mobile phone are GSM and CDMA mobile phone handset.The first generation of mobile phone (1G) Analog refers to mobile phone, that is, in the 20th century generation of cellular phones. Second-generation mobile phone (2G) mobile phone is the most common. A stable voice quality and suitable standby time. 3G, is the English abbreviation 3rdGeneration that third-generation mobile communication technologies. It can handle images, music, video streaming and other forms of media, including web browsing, conference calls, e-commerce and other information services.To sum up the emergence of mobile phone has enriched our lives, from the popularity of mobile phones to experience a time change and update, and gradually evolved into a kind of social demand, because the quality of people's lives improve, the demand for material will also be change. Cell phone so people will be more and more sought after.
With the popularity of mobile phone, cell phone, some people think they are very useful necessities; while others have a different view. First we can use it to keep in touch, whether we in any place can be with our families. Friends at festivals, message hair, Good luck gas to other people, and the second it is very convenient because it allows you and other people's contact is simple and fast, you no longer have to call for such an important Shou all day at home. The third mobile phone can communicate with each other to promote mutual understanding, reduce unnecessary misunderstandings.While others have different views, first of all, sometimes people's cell phone will affect the rest, causing distress to the people, In addition, we spend too much time sending text messages, so that should not focus on the U.S. study and research, mobile phone ring tones have often upset the teachers and other students study. However, whether you like it or not mobile, it has changed our lives and in the history of mankind is playing an important role.In 1925, Howard turkey Verde (Walter Gifford) has set up a "Bell Telephone Laboratories Company" independent entities. After 1984, in accordance with the U.S. government split AT & T's protocol, from the Bell Labs division was set up in Bellcore. Bellcore for a series of spin-off Baby Bells to provide a unified research and development services. In 1996, Bell Labs and AT & T's equipment manufacturing sector from the AT & T became Lucent Technologies.In 1947, Bell Labs invented the transistor, while Bell Labs also invented the UNIX operating system photocell birthplace of C language. Bell Labs is recognized as today's communications sector, the most creative R & D institutions in the world owns more than 10,000 scientists and engineers, for Lucent Technologies and Lucent Technologies to provide high-tech customer service and support.
Bell's success because there will be now on the one hand, the impact from the family because his father and grandfather were well-known linguists. Vocal organs of the body structure, functions and characteristics of hearing people have an in-depth research. Bell lived in this environment, being nurtured from an early age, the transmission of language have had a strong interest, on the other hand, because his specialty is linguistics are, and run-off language schools, the starting point is to help deaf people want to escape the pain only persistent research, these factors and subsequent inventions have a close relationship.I think cell phone in order to people's lives has become a necessity, it gradually become a fashion, a symbol for us to increase the glory of life, brought us convenience, because of its small size, easy to carry, types varied, will have been so popular, I think in the near future, the development of mobile phone will have a better development of future mobile phone will become more intelligent, miniaturized, security, and multifunctional.
He is a brand him
he is a kind of culture
heis a legend
he is a spirit
he is a symbol
To trace the origins and history of jeans, not a representative figure in embankment, he is the father of American jeans-LEVI STRAUSS: USA LEVI'S STRAUSS AND CO. The founder of American cultural history pioneer cowboy. In 1850 the miners at California gold mines mining wealth, but they can not buy a solid, you can stand the nature of their work pants. Until the young Levi Strauss (Levi Strauss) came to San Francisco when the sale of fabrics (including made of canvas tent), the situation has only improved. Strauss made use of canvas pants, many miners rescued knee, so that they wear from being injured. Therefore, the miners said on the kind of pants for Levi's.
19 middle, there is a known American LEVI STRAUSS. At that time, the impact of Gold Rush, and many people are flooding into the San Francisco, he is no exception, but before long all the money ran out, he left with the difficult gastrodin cloth bundle. Mine has a husband at the time suggested that he put days into linen pants overalls used to do, the workers hope that there is a more wear-resistant pants to wear on the body can protect their knees, the workers at the pressing needs of the circumstances of the world the first pair of jeans. But also because of斯特拉思produced quality hard wear-resistant pants, so at Cardiff mine mouth widely. With the smooth development of the cause, LEVI STRAUSS start with coarse denim instead of the materials and the use of blue dye for coloring, so come out blue denim. 1855 LEVI STRAUSS canvas to give up in favor of a strong durable靛蓝色Rough overalls Twill produced and used his pocket and seam copper reinforcement. This solid-looking trousers favored by the market quickly. LEVI'S success of the Kingdom, it is necessary to be considered by the beginning LEVI'S 501, 501 when the birth of LEVI STRAUSS at 1873 with another group of people put their JACOB DAVIS production buckle jeans button on the word "hit nails" patent register. So think someone LEVI'S jeans contribute to the building of the early years are the product of the American dream. After the Second World War, Levi's jeans start at the global epidemic. It has experienced a century and a half of rain, from the popular to the United States all over the world and become men, women and children around the world acceptable fashion. 2001, Levi's to enter the Chinese mainland, in Shanghai, opened its first store. In contemporary social needs under the jeans are also a product of time in the world.
Levi's jeans have not just a clothing material on innovation and the needs of people, after many years it has become the spokesman for the United States culture. First of all, the jeans have are people's lives must be, particularly in the minds of young people is particularly important, Levi's has also become a symbol of its young people are showing each of the basic charm of self-display. Secondly, the emergence of a pair of jeans also has driven a rise of the apparel industry's glory, and now the world's three major jeans manufacturer Levi's outside have apart from Lee and Wrangler, Levi's proposed "Global thinking, local action" strategy, but also in bold all over the world to the United States to promote its profound culture. As a clothing been so popular, not just one of the reasons for its relatively good quality wear-resistant and so on is more important is a pair of jeans in this has been accompanied by more than 100 years of human development.
LEVI STRAUSS origin in Germany, 18-year-old Levi's founder Levi Strauss emigrated to the U.S. from Germany, he had himself in the vicinity of New York and Kentucky, ran a home with clothing, in 1853 at Levi Strauss in San Francisco set up a company Levi Strauss & CO canvas made of the first pair of jeans, in 1890 Levi Strauss & CO jeans company the first time coding, is the world-famous 501 jeans Levi's first model, in 2001 Levi's to enter the Chinese mainland, opening its first store in Shanghai. 2003: levi's establishment of the 150th anniversary, as well as the 130 anniversary of the birth of a pair of jeans. Levi 'go one step at a time throughout the United States around the world as a whole.
Levi's jeans as the "originator", symbolizing the American spirit of the Wild West. Levi's at the course of development, precisely because it has maintained such a pioneering spirit, in the face of difficulties when insist their never give up. For example, in early 1886, Levi's had put a pair of jeans pants separately the two tied at 2 at once will drive horse in the opposite direction, to prove that the pants can withstand such extreme tear strength. There is another important reason is the courage to try and innovative spirit of 1855, for instance at LEVI STRAUSS canvas to give up in favor of a strong durable靛蓝色Rough overalls denim production, and reinforcing trouser pockets and seam copper . Cause these are important factors in its success.
I very much enjoy their Levi's jeans, wrote this article mainly because the development of Levi's is legendary, and it has the pioneering spirit and innovative character worthy of our study go in the current jeans market, it has unshakable position.
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