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3月28日星期一,天气晴朗.你校组织野外远足活动.请用英语写一篇日记,记下这次活动的过程感受 活动时间:上午7点出发,晚上8点返校 ; 远足距离:25公里; 目的地:经过远古火山口,攀登白云山,原路返回:携带物品:水和馒头
March 28th,monday.
It was fine today.Our school went on a hike.We set off at 7:00am.All of us took some food and drinks,like bread,canned fruit,canned meat,milk,cocacola,etc.We walked for a long time before we got to the top of a hill called " Mount Baiyun ",We walked for about four hours and about twenty-five kilometers.The path in the woods and grass is really hard to walk through.A few of us could hardly walk on.We had a little rest on the way.We walked through an ancient volcanoic crater.It is hard to get through.We thought that the rest way could be easier.To our surprise ,we had to climb a big mount.It is even harder to cross.We had a good rest on top of the hill.We also had our lunch there.We got back at about 8:00 pm.We were all tired,but we were also excited and had an educational experience.
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