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英语文章求翻译, 英语大神 快来吧 ,求教~这还不是完整的,加qq4 2 9 4 0 4 6 3 1 加时备注~
The weekends are a time for families in Britain. Often the parents are not at work. Having worked a five-day week from Monday to Friday, Saturdays are a busy time for shops with many families going shopping. Sundays used to be a very special day of the week in Britain. It was the one day of the week for 'worship and rest'. The shops were closed and most people were at home or at church. Popul
Popular leisure activities on Sunday used to be going to church and doing odd jobs around the home such as gardening and DIY.
Until a few years ago shops were not permitted to open on a Sunday. Sundays today are becoming like any other day other week with shops open. Some families will now spend their time shopping rather than going to church or they will combine the two activities.
The weekends are a time for families in Britain. Often the parents are not at work. Having worked a five-day week from Monday to Friday, Saturdays are a busy time for shops with many families going shopping. Sundays used to be a very special day of the week in Britain. It was the one day of the week for 'worship and rest'. The shops were closed and most people were at home or at church. Popul
Popular leisure activities on Sunday used to be going to church and doing odd jobs around the home such as gardening and DIY.
Until a few years ago shops were not permitted to open on a Sunday. Sundays today are becoming like any other day other week with shops open. Some families will now spend their time shopping rather than going to church or they will combine the two activities.
The weekends are a time for families in Britain. Often the parents are not at work. Having worked a five-day week from Monday to Friday, Saturdays are a busy time for shops with many families going shopping. Sundays used to be a very special day of the week in Britain. It was the one day of the week for 'worship and rest'. The shops were closed and most people were at home or at church.
Popular leisure activities on Sunday used to be going to church and doing odd jobs around the home such as gardening and DIY.
Until a few years ago shops were not permitted to open on a Sunday. Sundays today are becoming like any other day other week with shops open. Some families will now spend their time shopping rather than going to church or they will combine the two activities.
britain is becoming a far less christian country with fewer people regularly attending church. many christians believe that sunday should be kept special, as a time given to worship god. they think it is important for christians to meet together, listen to readings from the bible and celebrate holy communion. others believe that it is important that families have time to be together. (the shopping hours on a sunday are less than on any other day of the week.)
The weekends are a time for families in Britain. Often the parents are not at work. Having worked a five-day week from Monday to Friday, Saturdays are a busy time for shops with many families going shopping. Sundays used to be a very special day of the week in Britain. It was the one day of the week for 'worship and rest'. The shops were closed and most people were at home or at church.
Popular leisure activities on Sunday used to be going to church and doing odd jobs around the home such as gardening and DIY.
Until a few years ago shops were not permitted to open on a Sunday. Sundays today are becoming like any other day other week with shops open. Some families will now spend their time shopping rather than going to church or they will combine the two activities.
britain is becoming a far less christian country with fewer people regularly attending church. many christians believe that sunday should be kept special, as a time given to worship god. they think it is important for christians to meet together, listen to readings from the bible and celebrate holy communion. others believe that it is important that families have time to be together. (the shopping hours on a sunday are less than on any other day of the week.)
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