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以:我有一个非常繁忙的时间表 开头I’ve got a very busy schedule.100字
October 8 ,Wednesday
Catch the flight to shagnhai
departure time 9:45 am.
Arrival time 2:00 pm.
Bob meets me at the airport
Check into Beach Hotel
October 9,Thursday
Meet Mrs Black at 10:15 am.
Have lunch at Beach Hotel
Visit the plant at 2:30 pm.
October 10,Friday
Have conference at 9 am.
Leave Shanghai
Departure time 3:30 pm.
Arrival time 7:45 pm.
Philip picks me up at the airport
I’ve got a very busy schedule.On Wednesday,October 8,I fly to Shagnhai at 9:45 am.I arrive there at 2:00 pm.Bob meets me at the airport and take me to the Beach Hotel.The following day,that isThursday,Ocober 9,I meet Mrs Black at 10:15 am,then I have lunch at the hotel.I visit the plant at 2:30 pm.On October 10,Friday I have a conference at 9 am.After that ,I leave Shanghai by plane at 3:30 pm and arrive at 7:45 pm.Philip picks me up at the airport then.
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