早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Saturday morning
Go shopping with friends
Saturday afternoon
Clean the room, cook dinner
Saturday night
Watch TV with parents
Sunday morning
Play basketball with friends
Sunday afternoon
Stay at home , practice English
Sunday evening
Do homework
Dear Jim,
How’s it going? I had an interesting weekend. _________________________________________
Can you write and tell me about your weekend?
Dear Jim,
How’s it going? I had an interesting weekend. On Saturday morning, I went shopping with my friends. We had a good time. On Saturday afternoon, I helped my mom clean the room and cook dinner, my mother was happy. On Saturday night, I watched TV with my parents. On Sunday morning, I played basketball with my friends. In the afternoon, it was rainy, I had to stay at home, but I practiced English. On Sunday night, I did my homework.
Can you write and tell me about your weekend?

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