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请根据下面提示,写一篇小短文,开头已给出.今天是星期天,天气晴朗.公园里有很多人,一个女孩和她的父母在拍照,一个男孩在和他姑姑吃冰淇淋,一个女孩在和妈妈交谈.一些老人在打太极拳,一些男孩躺在太阳下,一些男孩和一直猴子玩.人们在公园里玩得很开心.I'm Li Ming.Today is Sunday.The sun is shining is the sky.Now I am telling the peoplein the parkare doing.(接着译)
Today is Sunday and the weather is fine.There are a lot of people in the park.A girl is taking photographs with her parents.A boy is having ice creams with his aut.One girl is talking with her mother.Some old people are taking the shadow boxing.Some boys are lying under the sun.Also some boys are playing with a monkey.people in the park all have fun.我叫李明,今天是星期日,阳光四溢,现在我正告诉公园里的人...希望能帮得到你,
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