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  Patricia Hearst 19-year-old granddaughter of the late newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst was kidnapped February 5 and held for ransom (赎金) by members of a radical (激进的) group called the Symbionness Liberation Army(共生解放组织). The action resembled (像) some kidnappings in Latin American and other parts of the world. It was followed by other across the nation that had no avowed (承认) political motive plus countless threats and a few hoaxes. (恶作剧)

  Miss Hearst was abducted (诱拐) from her Berkeley California apartment by at least two women and two men. They belonged to a group of both blacks and whites who called   for violent revolution to overturn “all forms of racism  (种族) sexism ageism capitalism fascism (法西斯主义) individualism possessiveness and competitiveness.”

  The kidnappers demanded that her father Randolph Hearst president and publisher of the San Francisco Examiner provided (提供) as a prelude (前奏) to further negotiations $ 70 worth of top-quality free meat vegetables and dairy products over a four-week period to “all people (in California) with welfare cards Social Security pension (养老金) cards food-stamp cards disabled veteran (老兵) cards medical cards parole of probation(假释或缓型) papers and jail of hail-release (释放) slips (监狱释放单或保释单). “Tape recordings were mailed of Miss Hearst's voice and of a speaker who called himself Field Marshal Cinque-reportedly an escaped convict named Donaid Dofreeze.

  Estimates of the cost of providing the food ran as high as $ 400 million. Hearst said February 19 that he would contribute $ 500 000 to a food-giveaway program and that $ 1 . 5 million more would be donated by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. Later he said the Hearst Corporation would put up an additional $ 4 million to continue the program but only his daughter was released.

  Another demand later added by the kidnappers was that Russell Little and Joseph Remiro two SLA members arrested and charged with 1973 slaying (杀害) of Marcus Foster Oakland superintendent (负责人) of schools be allowed to conduct a nationally televised news conference. (谈判) Two judges refused to sanction (批准) the request.

1.Patricia Hearst was kidnapped and held ________.

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A.for political purpose

B.for top-quality food for the lower-class people

C.to save two members of the Symbionness Liberation Army

D.for money

2.According to the kidnappers' demands Patricia's father has to contribute ________.

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A.$ 70
B.$ 1 . 5 million
C.$ 4 billion
D.$ 4 million

3.What is the meaning to the word “abduct” in Para. 2?

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4.According to the kidnappers' demand what kind of people cannot get the food provided by Patricia's father?

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A.People who just got free from the prison.

B.People who had no job.

C.People who were injured in wars.

D.People who live in California.

5.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

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A.Patricia was kidnapped by a radical group in Latin America.

B.The kidnappers are all blacks who protest racism.

C.Mr. Hearst received tape recordings of Patricia and Donald Defreeze's voice.

D.Patricia's father accepted all of the kidnappers' demands.
