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June),not to mention the flora shady roads in the scorching,not to mention the cicada,mention the squeaking smile sunshine of summer flowers..."The rain,June captured the verve of June.
Perhaps many people don't like the rain,June because it is like a child,if irascible temperament "and a" big half day light rain,the winding weather also very bad,While thunder and lightning,with a unchecked.In people's eyes,this is really a bad rainy season.However,I love the rain in June,although this is a "trouble" children.
It is no spring soft.Praise spring prodect of poetry,later because it is the symbol of spring gestates is a wonderful season; the life,Because it was the beautiful,tender breath of spring.Said the rain "just" in June,as the "soft" rain,soft; yes,may it is little,not too weak,so touching?Conversely,the rain is unyielding character in June of WangXiFeng,although vigorous,but it explicitly next,show strong momentum majestic rain,it is nature's power,the power of suppression,make the person feels it all.
It didn't rain sadness.Autumn,give a person a kind of feeling of sadness and dignified.Chill wind,rain permeated with ensemble,ChengYiQu elegy.Autumn,autumn is the tears of sorrow,touching,li "phoenix and drizzle,at dusk and drabs.This sequence,and how a word get" feeling.In June,it was not raining and lively,the su,is always disconsolate."look,nor rain nor shine" open-minded,this is open-minded,added to June,is angry,untamed AngFen song,youth and vigor of life with persistent!
It is not DongYu of malicious.Winter is cold,plus DongYu play drops from the heart,make people out of the cold,After the DongYu,have got worse,it makes sense to have "the".However,although it was raining June's one head,but when it is pouring down,you will feel after after all,how clean the air brush between inclusion with the fragrance of the earth.
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