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  The heart of the American calendar is July 4. Americans have celebrated this date as Independence Day since 1776. On this holiday, parades, picnics and fireworks create a festive atmosphere. Red, white and blue ribbons mimic (模拟)the colors of the “stars and stripes”. Patriotic speeches remind Americans of their heritage. But July 4 is more than a national holiday. It represents the heartbeat of America: freedom.

  Ask the average American, “What is freedom?”You will probably hear, “It's being able to do what I want to do. ”When Americans think of freedom, they often think of individualism (个人). They see themselves more as individuals than as members of a family or social group. American-style democracy tries to protect individual rights. It also promises each person the freedom to make choices. People in other culture may not understand this emphasis in individuals. Stressing individual human rights seems strange to cultures where the rights of society are more important.

  Privacy is one good example of individual rights. Personal freedom in America often means the right to one's own space. In many American homes, each child has his or her own bedroom. Parents feel they should knock before entering. When Americans want to visit friends or relatives, they usually call first. They don't want to invade someone's privacy, even if they know the person quite well. Also, in some cultures people have strong ties to their extended family. They openly share time, money and information with their family members. Americans, on the other hand, prefer to keep many “family matters” private. For them, a “family unit”is just a husband and wife and their children. They dislike having relatives or outsiders meddle (干涉) in their affairs. Like wise, individuals may not want to share private information in everyday conversation. If a stranger asks about their salary, age, marital status or religion, Americans might feel embarrassed or un-comfortable.

1.“Stars and stripes” in the first paragraph refers to ________.

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A.the national flag of the USA

B.a certain pattern Americans like best

C.something used to celebrate the holiday

D.the most beautiful fireworks

2.July 4 is a special day to Americans because ________.

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A.it has something to do with freedom

B.it reminds Americans of the Civil War

C.they have a special chance to recall the history

D.there is a festive atmosphere

3.In the eyes of Americans freedom means ________.

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A.do whatever you like

B.the emphasis on human rights

C.care more about oneself

D.keep away from others

4.In America ________.

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A.people openly share time, money and information

B.only close friends share private information

C.every individual has his own space

D.only relatives talk about something private in everyday conversation

5.Americans always regard themselves as

[  ]


B.members of a family

C.members of a social group

