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Commercial Development Bank ORIGINAL
Kelun Commercial Plaza Date:10th August 20_
Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
To:Samata International Trading Co.,Ltd.Transmitted through:
International Commercial Building Commercial Trust Bank
Jakarta,Indonesia Indonesia
NO.MISC 957-121
You are hereby authorized to draw on Calo International Trading Co.,Ltd,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia for the amounts not exceeding US $64,000 (sixty four thousand U.S.dollars only) available by your draft(s) at sight,drawn in duplicate accompanied by the following documents:
1.Commercial invoice in duplicate:
2.Full set of clean “On Board” ocean Bills of Lading made out to order and in endorsed blank,marked” Freight Prepaid “and notify accounted.
3.Insurance policy in duplicate covering all risks plus 10% of invoice value Shipment from Indonesia to Malaysia no later than 10th October 20_
Partial shipments are allowed.Transhipments are allowed.
Covering shipment of:Materiats semiductors type-111×10 in wooden cases
Special instructions:
1.This advice,revocable at any time without notice,is for your guidance only in preparing drafts and documents.
2.We undertake to honor your draft(s) drawn and negotiated in conformity with the terms of this credit provided such negotiation has been made prior to receipt by you of notice of cancellation.
3.Documents have to be presented within 15 days after the date of issuance of the Bill of Lading or other shipping documents.
4.Draft(s) drawn must be inscribed with the number and date of this credit.
5.Draft(s) drawn under this credit must be presented for negotiation in Indonesia no or before 25th October 20_
This credit is subject to Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1983 Revision),for Documentary Credits 1983 Revision.
Commercial Development Bank
Authorized Signature and Chop________
银行名称:Commercial Development Bank ORIGINAL
银行地址:Kelun Commercial Plaza Date: 10th August 20_
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
至 :Samata International Trading Co.,Ltd. 通过:
(International Commercial Building Commercial Trust Bank) 银行
银行地址:Jakarta, Indonesia Indonesia
NO. MISC 957-121
You are hereby authorized to draw on Calo International Trading Co., Ltd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the amounts not exceeding US $64,000 (sixty four thousand U.S. dollars only) available by your draft(s) at sight, drawn in duplicate accompanied by the following documents:
见到本证后就可以取钱,但是总额不能超过 US $64,000.取钱的同时需要提交如下文件:
1. Commercial invoice in duplicate: 商业发票,一式两份
2. Full set of clean “On Board” ocean Bills of Lading made out to order and in endorsed blank, marked” Freight Prepaid “and notify accounted. 全套清洁海运提单,收货人待指定,背书银行名称,标记“运费预付”和通知相关方.
3. Insurance policy in duplicate covering all risks plus 10% of invoice value Shipment from Indonesia to Malaysia no later than 10th October 20_
Partial shipments are allowed. Transhipments are allowed.
Covering shipment of: Materiats semiductors type-111×10 in wooden cases
Special instructions: 特别条款:
1. This advice, revocable at any time without notice, is for your guidance only in preparing drafts and documents.
2. We undertake to honor your draft(s) drawn and negotiated in conformity with the terms of this credit provided such negotiation has been made prior to receipt by you of notice of cancellation.
3. Documents have to be presented within 15 days after the date of issuance of the Bill of Lading or other shipping documents.
4. Draft(s) drawn must be inscribed with the number and date of this credit.
5. Draft(s) drawn under this credit must be presented for negotiation in Indonesia no or before 25th October 20_
This credit is subject to Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1983 Revision), for Documentary Credits 1983 Revision.
Commercial Development Bank 银行名称
Authorized Signature and Chop________签字处