早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.Where did she make them?__________________________________
2.Whose ruler did you borrow?__________________________________
3.We must tie the young tree to the stick.________________________________
4.They can't mend the bike in that shop.__________________________________
5.You should take good care of her baby.__________________________________
6.You may take it back home.__________________________________
7.May I look after the baby at home?__________________________________
8.Must we hand in our exercise-books now?_________________________________
9.Can you mend this radio here?__________________________________
1,where was them maded by her 2 .who rent ruler to you 3.the young tree must be tied by us to the stick 4 .the bike can 't mend by them in that shop 5 .her baby should be taken good care by you6 .it can be taken back home by you 7 ,can the baby be looked after by me at home 8 .should our exercise books be handed in by us now 9 .can the radio be mended by you here
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