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 Tu Youyou the 85-year-old Chinese pharmacologist(药理学家),received the Nobel Prize

for medicine in Stockholm on December 10 2015. Tu is the first Chinese Nobel winner in

 physiology(生理学)or medicine. Also in 2011 she became the first Chinese person to receive

the US-based Lasker Award for clinical medicine.

    Based on a fourth-century Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) text together with her team

she managed to get artemisinin【青蒿素)from sweet wormwood through trial and error and

 developed an important drug that has significantly reduced death rates among patients suffering from malaria. Tu delivered a speech titled Artemisinin is a Gift from TCM to the World. She has urged  more research into the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine and called for joint efforts worldwide to fight against malaria and develop more potential uses for TCM which she called a"great treasure" wiffi thousands of years' history and empirical knowledge. She said that by combining TCM with modem scientific technologies "more potential can be discovered in searching for new drugs " .

     According to the WHO more than 240 rrullion people in sub-Saharan Africa have benefited

fromtmisinin and more than l. 5 nullion lives are estimated to have been saved since 2000

thanks to the drug. Apart from its contribution to the global fight against malaria TCM played a

vital role in the deadly outbreak of SARS across China in 2003.

    Besides treating viruses TCM has been most effective in diagnosing diseases cultivating fitness treating difficult multisource illneases and using nonmedicinal methods such as acupuncture (钟刺疗法) and breatlung exercises.

    However TCM which is based on a set of beliefs about human biology is seldom understood or accepted by the West.  Tu' s success will bring more recognition and respect for TCM experts say. The Westem world should leam to appreciate the value of the treasures of TCM which will lead to more basic scientific research into ancient TCM texts and ways to explore research findings worldwide.

21.  In this passage the author mentions _    prize( s) that Tu Youyou received.

   A. one            B. two            C. three            D. four

22. The underlined word "malaria" in Paragraph 2 refers to "a kind of         ".

   A. medicine        B. aninud.         C. plant           D. disease

23. What can we leam from the passage?

       A. Tu's success may encourage Eastemers to leam more about Chinese medicine.

       B.  Nothing remains to be done in researclung into TCM theories and texts.

       C.  More research into the value of TCM should be carried out worldwide.

      D. TCM only contributes to the fight against mal.aria and SARS in China.

24. What's the passage mainly about?

       A.  TCM is based on thousands of years of practice in China.

       B.  Nobel winner Tu Youyou strongly supports TCM research.

      C. Artenusinin is now widely used to fight against Malaria.

       D.  Westemers will appreciate the value of the treasures of TCM.


    Helsinki capital of Finland is offering young people the chance to rent   61  cheap

 apartment in an old people's home if they agree  62  (spend) time socializing wiLh the elderly


    The city council(议会)is seeking  63  (apply) from renters under the age of 25 who

would like to spend between three  64  five hours each week with their older neighbors.  65 

exchange they'll get a studio flat  66  (measure) 23 square meters with a private kitchen

bathroom and balcony for 250 euros per month. Those  67  apply don't need any specific care

 experience.There are staff to look after the elderly.

    More than 60 people have applied for the spaces in less than a week and the idea has also

Been  68  (warm) welcomed by Finns on social media.  "Creat project!  Hopefully it will spread to other areas "  69  (write) one person on Facebook while another supports the scheme for bringing   70  (difference) generations together.

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