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In China,spring is usually very short.It usually c____in March and ends in May.Summer is often very h____.It is from June to August.The hottest month is July.A_____begins in Septmber,and goes on to November.The weather can be very w_____in autumn.Winter is from Decemuber to F_____,and it is very cold.You must wear lots of warm clothes.The b____time to visit China is spring or autumn.In summer it is often too hot,and in winter it is too c____.
The s____of the year in England and America are nearly the same.But the weather in England n_____gets too hot or too cold.The seasons in Australia are d____.Its summer is from December to February,and winter is in June,July and August.So when it is spring in China,it is autumn in Australia.
In China,spring is usually very short.It usually 【comes】in March and ends in May.Summer is often very 【hot】.It is from June to August.The hottest month is July.【Autumn】begins in Septmber,and goes on to November.The weather can be very 【windy】in autumn.Winter is from Decemuber to 【February】,and it is very cold.You must wear lots of warm clothes.The 【best】time to visit China is spring or autumn.In summer it is often too hot,and in winter it is too 【cold】.
The 【seasons】of the year in England and America are nearly the same.But the weather in England 【neither】gets too hot or too cold.The seasons in Australia are 【different 】Its summer is from December to February,and winter is in June,July and August.So when it is spring in China,it is autumn in Australia.i
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