早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


* 1.Mount Qomolangma,the Roof Ridge of the world is covered______ snow all the year around.[ 1分]
* 2.When will the wedding ______?[ 1分]
(A).take the place(B).take place(C).take places(D).take place of
* 3.Identify the errors in the following sentences:Not until mid-night the electricity service was restored.[ 1分]
(A).Not until(B).mid-night(C).the electricity service was(D).restored
* 4.What worried them most was that five teenagers were _____ in the crime.[ 1分]
* 5.We must prevent this disease ______ spreading.[ 1分]
* 6.Identify the errors in the following sentences:Having rejected by everybody,the student representative resigned the committee.[ 1分]
(A).Having rejected(B).everybody(C).representative(D).resigned
* 7.He has no other interests ______ he is fond of collecting stamps.[ 1分]
(A).beside(B).besides(C).except that(D).except for
* 8.Identify the errors in the following sentences:Be sure to recall to lock your bicycle when you leave it in the parking lot.[ 1分]
(A).Be sure(B).recall(C).when(D).parking lot
* 9.The ______ to the house was a narrow path and was often held up by traffic jams.[ 1分]
(A).approach(B).method(C).fair way(D).decision
* 10.Identify the errors in the following sentences:Comparing with the corresponding period of last year,the output in the first quarter rose by 10%.[ 1分]
(A).Comparing(B).corresponding(C).first quarter(D).by
* 11.My husband sat ______ in his seat and had been in deep thought for quite a while.[ 1分]
(A).rooting(B).to root(C).and rooted(D).rooted
* 12.When their coach came in,all the players stopped watching,whispering and ______.[ 1分]
(A).laughed(B).to laugh(C).would laugh(D).laughing
* 13.To give up such a chance would be an ______ decision.[ 1分]
* 14.Identify the errors in the following sentences:Mr.Jones was determined to take away the running of the family firm from his father.[ 1分]
(A).to take away(B).running(C).family firm(D).from
* 15.Pay special attention to ______ your teacher speaks English.[ 1分]
(A).the way of(B).the way which(C).the way how(D).the way
* 16.You may borrow my book ______ you promise to return it tomorrow.[ 1分]
(A).as far as(B).as long as(C).as good as(D).as just as
* 17.Japanese differs ______ Chinese in many respects.[ 1分]
* 18.Do you think that these new methods will _____?[ 1分]
* 19.The old man was ______ for three years during the Cultural Revolution.[ 1分]
(A).in the jail(B).in jail(C).in a jail(D).in that jail
* 20.His car ______ at the square of a mall when he noticed it had been occupied.[ 1分]
(A).was pulled into(B).was pulling out(C).pulled in(D).pulled through
1.(D) be covered with 被……覆盖,固定短语
2.(B) take place为不及物动词短语,意为“发生”
3.(C) Not until……为倒装,所以后面应该为“was the electricity service restored”
4.(B) 本句意为“他们所担心的是,这五个青年与这个犯罪案件有牵连”,可排除(D)项,而related与connected后均需要接介词to,固只有involved符合题意.
5.(A) prevent sth.from doing sth.为固定句型,“阻止……做……”
6.(A) 应当为“Having been rejected”,被动句式
7.(C) “除……之外”,且后接从句,排除(A)(D),如果选(C),则besides前应有逗号“,”
8.(B) “当你离开停车场时,记得把你的自行车上锁”,recall意为“会议,回想”,与句意不符,应改为“remember”
9.(A) “到那所房子的路……”,根据题意可排除(B)(D)两项,approach意为“通路,进路,道路”,fair way意为“航道”,固选approach
10.(A) 与去年同一时期比较,是被拿去比较,应该用被动式,改为“Compared”
11.(A) 表状态,用ing形式
12.(D) 与前面两个动作是并列短语,同是ing形式
13.(A) “放弃这样一个机会是一个不好的决定”,排除(C)(D),而“被建议”,则是被动语态,选(A)
14.(C) “琼斯先生决定从他的父亲那儿拿走家族公司的运营权”,running没有“运营”的意思
15.(D) “特别留意你的老师说英语的方式”,定语从句,that省略
16.(B) “只要你保证明天还我,你就可以借走我的书”,as long as,“只要……”
17.(A) differ from“与……不同”
18.(C) work意为“奏效”,其他选项均不符合题意
19.(B) in jail “在狱中”,表状态
20.(A) 被动语态.