阅读理解 A young American entered a British train, to discover that all the seats were taken, including the one on which was seated a small dog. To its owner, a middle-aged lady wearing a fur coat, he said gently, “Excuse me, madam, may I sit down here?” He repeated the request three times to the woman who turned a deaf ear to him but only turned the pages of her news paper, Then he opened the window, picked up the dog, and threw it out before he sat down on the empty seat. There was a dumbfounded (尴尬) silence and then an English man sitting opposite said, “You Yankees (美国佬) seem never to do the right thing. You drive on the wrong side of the road; you eat with the fork in the wrong hand; you name the floors in the wrong numbers. And now you have just thrown the wrong bitch (母狗) out of the window!” 1.According to the story, the young American was ________. [ ] A.asking for trouble B.traveling in a foreign country C.trying to find a job on a train D.trying to pick a better quarrel with a rich lady 2.The middle-aged woman was ________. [ ] A.a polite English woman B.a rude American woman C.a gentle American woman D.an impolite English woman 3.The woman took no notice of the young American because she ________. [ ] A.wasn't able to understand his language B.was too proud of herself C.was too busy reading her newspaper D.was deaf 4.When the English man said that Americans always did the wrong thing, he ________. [ ] A.meant that the woman should have been punished B.was scolding the American C.was taking the woman's side D.mainly showed pity for the American 5.This story is ________. [ ] A.a true story B.designed to make people laugh C.meant to be used as moral lessons D.a serious story |
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