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阅读理解 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

The longest train journey in the world is from the Pacific over to the Atlantic going across Asia and Europe.
  You can do this famous journey with only a few changes of train .Some people start in Hong Kong and take the train to Beijing .This is a very good way to see a lot of Chinese passing by the window while you talk or eat .You can stay at a hotel in Beijing and then take the train for a five-day journey to Moscow. It is a long time but you can walk up and down the train and get out at some of the stations. You can take some good books and maybe some games too .
  There are the horses of Mongolia riding past .Don't they look lovely! Many people stay in a hotel in Ulan Bator to do some sightseeing .Later the train goes past Lake Baikal one of the World's largest with 20%of the world's fresh water .As we go west the food changes. This is one  of the best as well as the longest train journeys .Here is Moscow-with lots to do and more trains going on to Paris or even under the sea to London.

(      ) 1. The longest train Journey in the world is from the Pacific to the ____________ .

              A. Indian                      B. Atlantic                     C. Antarctic

(      ) 2. You can do this famous journey with ___________ changes of train .

              A. many                       B. few                          C. a few

(      ) 3. You can stay in a hotel in Beijing and then have a five-day journey to ________ .

              A. Paris                        B. London                    C. Moscow

(      ) 4. The ___________ of Mongolia look lovely !

              A. camels                     B. horses                      C. elephants

(      ) 5. You can do some ____________ on the train.

              A. cooking                    B. reading                     C. fishing


1B  2C  3C  4B  5B

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